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8 Items

  1. How bowel irrigation changed the life of 9-year old Ninthe

    key:global.content-type: User Story

    Ninthe (9) lives with her parents and brother in Almelo, The Netherlands. From the day she was born, she was unable to feel the urge to go to the bathroom. We interviewed Ninthe and her parents at their home. Ninthe hopes her story will inspire other children to understand that bowel irrigation is not a problem and that you can go to school again without having accidents.

  2. What is Transanal Irrigation (TAI)?

    It can be difficult to find a regular toilet routine if you suffer from chronic constipation or fecal incontinence. Some people constantly fear public accidents or literary spending hours in the bathroom.

  3. How I live my life to the fullest after rectal cancer

    key:global.content-type: User Story

    Noah*, 49 years old, is recovering from rectal cancer. After surgery, he found he had additional problems with fecal incontinence which affected all aspects of his life. In this article, he tells us how Transanal Irrigation (TAI) allowed him to recover his freedom and confidence.

  4. Navigating Life with a Child with a Hidden Disability

    key:global.content-type: User Story

    "It was very helpful for us at the time, when Harry was a little baby with reduced function, to meet a boy with similar problems, and to get to know a family with our kind of approach to life, who had struggled with the same things as us.”

  5. A life without constipation

    Marija - 58, has been chronically constipated for years. Keep reading to learn about her journey and how she took control of her bowel issues.

  6. How to Improve Your Digestion – 10 Expert Tips

    key:global.content-type: Article

    We’ve all had to pay closer attention to how, when and what we eat, and it’s always worth reminding ourselves of how to treat ourselves and our digestion well, especially if we have a neurogenic diagnosis. Here are the 10 best tips for a healthy stomach from nutrition counselor and wellness expert Anna Carin.

  7. When is constipation an emergency?

    key:global.content-type: Article

    Sometimes, constipation can present severe symptoms or health risks that require medical intervention and in some cases emergency treatment.