Irrigation cadence, medicine and irrigation, device lifetime and pin code questions.
Q: How often should I perform TAI?
A: At the start it is common to irrigate once every day for the first 10-14 days. Later on, the frequency may possibly be reduced to once every other day or every third day. The frequency should be decided in consultation with a healthcare professional.
Q: Can I stop using stool modifying medicine when I start using Navina Irrigation System?
A: TAI is usually part of a bowel management program. It is possible that you may be able to reduce the amount of laxative they are using eventually but you may have to continue using some to ensure that the stools have the right consistency to ensure easy evacuation. It is best to continue with your current laxative regimen until you are getting regular results from TAI. Consult a healthcare professional before changing your personal regimen.
Q: How long does the procedure take?
A: It is very individual but the aim is that the bowel management routine will take less than one hour. For some people the results are fast and emptying of the bowel is complete. For others it will be more time consuming and the bowel empties intermittently.
Q: How do I see when my Navina Smart control unit reached end of life?
A: The device will send a code when there are less than 50 and 10 irrigations left or less than 2 months and 2 weeks lifetime left.
Q: What if I forgot the code to unlock the settings in my Navina Smart control unit?
A: Contact Wellspect HealthCare, see contact information.
Q: What if the bowel does not empty?
A: Try to lean forward, cough or perform abdominal massage. If water and the bowel content still do not come out, you may be severely constipated and a manual clean-out of the rectum might be necessary. You might also be dehydrated, so remember to drink a lot of water and repeat the TAI procedure the day after. If you have been successfully using TAI for a while it might be that the colon is clear and this could be a first indication that the TAI frequency could be reduced.