Do you know what cost-savings of catheters can make?

For millions of individuals, the fear of leakage and the embarrassment associated with it can significantly impact their daily lives, hindering their ability to work, socialize, and enjoy life to the fullest.

From the subtle anxiety of choosing a seat in a meeting to the fear of public restrooms, people with urinary continence issues face unique challenges that can hamper their career growth and personal development. As a result, they often decide to engage in limited types of work to fewer work hours or even exit the work force. Studies show that the cost of continence care amounted to over 40 billion Euros in 2023 – out of which 35% was related to the productivity loss of patients.

Wellspect, with its LoFric and Navina product range for bladder and bowel care, features thoughtful designs that not only focus on user comfort, but also streamline the incontinence care process. Products that are easy to use, quick to assemble, and facilitate efficient disposal can save valuable time for employees – which in turn can reduce costs related to productivity loss for employers.   
By addressing the physical, emotional, and social aspects of continence care, we can foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for people facing these challenges.

At Wellspect, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to pursue their professional aspirations without the limitations imposed by health conditions.
