Let’s Talk Self Webinar
This is the third and final part of the Let’s Talk… webinar series with the purpose of Advancing Continence Care Together from a holistic perspective, with invited speakers Anton Emmanuel, Jalesh Panicker and Colette Haslam.
Professor Anton Emmanuel started by telling us about overlapping areas and differences between neurogenic and functional bowel dysfunction. He pointed out that it’s key to make a holistic assessment of each patient.
Dr. Jalesh Panicker took us through different aspects of managing intimacy and sexual difficulties following neurological disease. He explained why sexual difficulties occur following conditions like for example MS and stroke.
Specialist nurse Collette Haslam highlighted the main barriers to help-seeking for sexual dysfunction and pointed to a general perception that people with certain conditions, especially if in a wheelchair, don’t have sex.
This program could interest anyone who is interested in bladder and bowel dysfunction from the patient’s perspective, including removing stigma and impact on sexuality and intimacy following neurological disease.