How to Live and Cope With Bladder Problems
Living with bladder problems can sometimes feel lonely and frustrating.
We spoke to some of our users to learn how they handle bladder problems and intermittent catheterization. Click the interviews below to learn more:
How Arne Found IC
Why Did I Wait So Long To Start Intermittent Catheterization? Arne shares his story about how he started IC.
Intermittent Catheterization with a Three-Year-Old
Evie and her mother share their story of what it was like to start intermittent catheterization as a young child.
I am Proud to Catheterize
Serena had lived with an undiagnosed bladder dysfunction for years and it was only due to an urnelated MRI scan that the problem was identified.
What I Need From a Catheter as a Parathlete
Professional wheelchair tennis player, 32-year-old Austrian Tina Pesendorfer travels a lot. With a busy training schedule, she's glad catheterizing no longer distracts her.